Pronunciation is the same as their letter name. Can you find the 2-long vowels in that word? It's "i" and "a". Interesting Fact: The only 15-letter word that is spelled without repeating a single letter is "uncopyrightable". Long vowels sounds just as they appear on the page or screen for that matter. We will also begin to add a bunch of short vowel worksheets over the next several season that will be intense. If you look at the blue navigation bar to the left, you will see the individual letters listed. We also have individual vowel worksheets. You will get the hang of this as you spend more time with the concepts and sounds here. You will find that the long vowel sound is present very often when two vowels are positioned next to each other and when a word ends in the letter e. This is something you will need to remind yourself consistently as you progress with this skill. The spelling of words and the way it sounds are not always on par. This word features the long a vowel and the short e vowel. A typical example of both vowel sounds can be found in the word cake. If a vowel does not sound as it does as an individual letter, it is referred to as a short vowel sound. When a vowel sound, in a word, is pronounced the same way the letter is itself, we call this a long vowel.